Bell Schedules


Office Opens/ Staff on Duty - 7:00 am

Please do not drop off students prior to 7:00am - staff will not be on duty until then

Staff members will be available to open the vehicle door for your child starting at 7:00am

For safety reasons, we encourage all parents to drive through the line to drop off your child(ren)

Library Opens - 7:30am

Library door opens for all students

School Day Begins - 7:35am - 8:00am



Social/Emotional Learning

Tardies - 8:00am

Students arriving after 8:00am will be considered tardy.

Parents must check student(s) in through the office.

Beyond the Bell - 4:00pm - 6:00pm

Pick-Up Prior to 4:00pm

If picking your child(ren) up prior to 4:00pm, please park and enter the front office

Parents must have their ID ready when signing out their child

4:00pm - 4:30pm

Dismissal will be at the back door of the cafeteria in the bus loop area

Students must be signed out from the Beyond the Bell staff

Parents must have their ID ready when signing out their child

4:30pm - 6:00pm

Dismissal will be at the Pre-K playground gate

Students must be signed out from the Beyond the Bell staff

Parents must have their ID ready when signing out their c


Pre-K & Kinder Car Riders - 3:00pm

Dismissal in the back of the Primary (unless they have an older 1st or 2nd grade sibling)

Display your child's colored card in the windshield to better assist the staff in the dismissal procedures and stay in the line

Safety is our #1 priority

Pre-K Parent Walk-Up - 3:10pm

Dismissal at the larger gate in the southeast corner of the Pre-K playground

Parent must have the child's colored card in hand

Safety is our #1 priority

Kinder Parent Walk-Up - 3:10pm

Dismissal at the smaller gate in the middle of the Pre-K playground

Parent must have the child's colored card in hand

Safety is our #1 priority

1st & 2nd Grade Car Riders - 3:25pm

(and younger siblings)

Dismissal in the front of the primary

Display your child's colored card in the windshield to better assist us in the dismissal procedures and stay in the line

Safety is our #1 priority

1st Grade Parent Walk-Up - 3:25pm

(and younger siblings)

Dismissal at the larger gate in the southeast corner of the Pre-K playground

Parent must have the child's colored card in hand

Safety is our #1 priority

2nd Grade Parent Walk-Up - 3:25pm

(and younger siblings)

Dismissal at the smaller gate in the middle of the Pre-K playground

Parent must have the child's colored card in hand

Safety is our #1 priority

Bus Riders - 3:30pm

Buses are dismissed in the pack of the primary by the cafeteria