Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are a group of neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by a unique set of intense and pervasive impairments in the areas of social interaction, communication and behavior skills. Approximately 26,000 children in Texas are diagnosed with ASD at this time. Autism Disorders vary widely and the needs of students with autism are determined on an individual basis.
The DSM-IV-TR lists characteristics of ASD that include
Difficulty understanding and utilizing facial expressions, body language, eye contact, and gestures to regulate social situations
Failure to develop peer relationships
Lack of shared enjoyment, interests or other's attention (joint attention)
Lack of social or emotional reciprocity
Delayed language or total lack of language skills
Stereotyped or repetitive use of language
Lack of spontaneous, make-believe and social imitative play
Preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest or focus
Inflexible adherence to routines and rituals
Repetitive motor movements and mannerisms (hand flapping or rocking)
Preoccupation with parts of objects
Continuum of Educational Services for Special Needs Students
Strategies for Working with Students with Autism in the General Education Setting
If you only have 30 minutes for professional development, this series is for you!!! This twelve part series of 30-minute courses presented by Dr. Amanda Boutot was designed to give general educators, parents, administrators, paraprofessionals and others quick, practical strategies that can be easily implemented in the general education classroom.