Food Services
The Pleasanton ISD Food Services Department strives to serve healthy foods the students love! We analyze our recipes for nutrient content and food values using a food-based menu planning and analysis program that complies with the child nutrition guidelines for the National School Breakfast and Lunch Programs.
In order to serve our students better, we offer “FREE “Breakfast in the Classrooms" at the Junior High, Elementary and Primary classrooms. The High School Students will be served a FREE Breakfast in the Cafeteria. Making sure students start the day off right with a nutritious breakfast.
All students are offered at least 5 meal components each day at lunch (meat/meat alternative, grain (bread or pasta), 2 vegetables, fruit, and milk). Students can take all the items, or choose at least 3 items, which must include a fruit or vegetable to be considered a complete meal. Students with allergies should contact the district nurse and their cafeteria manager for accommodations. Students with special dietary needs must have documentation on file from a Physician and turned into the school nurse. Forms can be found on this website.
All students at Pleasanton ISD receive a FREE breakfast every school day. High School and Junior High will be charged $2.95 for a regular paid lunch and $.40 for reduced price lunches. The Elementary and Primary will be charged $2.70 for a regular paid lunch and $.40 for reduced price lunches.
Households interested in the Free/Reduce meal program MUST APPLY for the program EVERY school YEAR. Applications must occur within 30 days of the first day of school. If you have a current application on file, meal benefits from the previous school year will EXPIRE on the 31st day after the first day of school, which means that students will be charged FULL Price for the school meals after September 9, 2022.
ONLINE FREE/REDUCED APPLICATIONS 2023-2024 are now available. The Food and Nutrition Department office is located in the Junior High Campus Cafeteria at 1140 Jolly Street, Pleasanton, Texas 78064.
You can also manage your child’s food account with the K-12 payment website center. You are able to add money to your child’s account and it also gives you a history of what your child is purchasing.
If you have any questions please contact us at (830) 569-1367.
Thank you,
Joey Moczygemba, Food Service Director
Food Service Campus Staff