Fitness Gram
The Texas Education Code, §38.101 and §38.103, requires that the fitness levels of all students in grades 3-12 be assessed at least once annually and that school districts submit the results to the Texas Education Agency each school year. Texas Education Agency identified FITNESSGRAM®, developed by the Cooper Institute, as the assessment tool to be used by all school districts starting in the 2007-2008 school year. Aggregate data from this Physical Fitness Assessment Initiative will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of school health program and to direct resources to school districts where health disparities are most evident.
The FITNESSGRAM assessment items include the following:
1. Aerobic Capacity--may select one option
PACER test
One-mile run/walk
Walk test (ages 13 or older)
2. Muscular Strength, Endurance, and Flexibility
Nominal strength and endurance (curl-up)
Trunk extensor strength and endurance (trunk lift)
Upper body strength and endurance choose from push-up, modified pull-up, and flexed arm hang)
Flexibility (choose from back-saver, sit and reach, and should stretch)
3. Body Composition--may select one option
Percent body fat (calculated from triceps and calf skinfolds or entered from an alternative measuring device)
Body mass index (calculated from height and weight)
Each campus that houses grades 3-12 will annually assess students with a Fitness Gram. The information will be compiled by campus coordinator and submitted to TEA through the Technology department. Individual reports will be generated and provided to each student.